A global hub for Peace and Sustainability research to lead the post-SDGs initiatives

CICE (広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター)
Established in 1997, the Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education (CICE) has provided a forum for global and domestic dialogue on international cooperation in education. We aim to contribute to the achievement of SDGs through educational research and practice, policy work and knowledge dissemination.

CEPEAS (平和な未来持続可能性センター)
Global change and increasing geopolitical tensions pose major challenges for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Amidst such challenges, the Center for Peaceful and Sustainable Futures (CEPEAS) aims to be a globally connected center of excellence for research on peace, sustainability, and their nexus. The center’s overall mission is to conduct inter- and trans-disciplinary research, outreach, and education activities that can inform policy making toward the development of more peaceful and sustainable futures. Adopting broad and comprehensive approaches to peace and sustainability and building on the international expertise available on various issues related to peace and sustainability, the center will explore multiple pathways through which peace and sustainability interact.

PHIS (プラネタリーヘルス・イノベーションサイエンスセンター)
Planetary health is a new science. Its approach considers total health including not only human health, but also healthy social systems, and the healthy state of natural systems on which it depends. The Center for Planetary Health and Innovation Science(PHIS)has the mission in this new global scientific challenge and aims to establish an interdisciplinary research center that links the disciplines of science, engineering, agriculture and health sciences. For tackling various global issues, we will implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the aspect of education and research by promoting flexible and innovative transdisciplinary research and providing a place for technological innovation.
CGP (グローバルパートナーシップセンター)
Center for Global Partnership (CGP) is a hub spanning the other three centers (CICE, CEPEAS, and PHIS) of the IDEC Institute. It promotes multi-disciplinary programs to lead the global strategy of Hiroshima University based on the IDEC’s wide network of experts and practitioners. CGP was established in April 2024 by reforming and expanding Phoenix Center for Global Leaders (PCGL) to strengthen its planning and operation capacity to accelerate our university’s globalization.