
301 entries « 1 of 7 »


Sylvester William Chisale, Han Soo Lee

Comprehensive onshore wind energy assessment in Malawi based on the WRF downscaling with ERA5 reanalysis data, optimal site selection, and energy production Journal Article

In: Energy Conversion and Management: X, vol. 22, iss. 2024, no. 100608, 2024, ISSN: 2590-1745.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Shamsipour, A.; Jahanshahi, S.; Mousavi, S. S.; Shoja, F.; Golenji, R. A.; Tayebi, S.; Alavi, S. A.; Sharifi, A.

Corrigendum to “Assessing and mapping urban ecological resilience using the loss-gain approach: A case study of Tehran, Iran” (Sustainable Cities and Society (2024) 103, (10.1016/j.scs.2024.105252)) Journal Article

In: Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 103, 2024.

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Aghaloo, K.; Sharifi, A.; Habibzadeh, N.; Ali, T.; Chiu, Y. -R.

How nature-based solutions can enhance urban resilience to flooding and climate change and provide other co-benefits: A systematic review and taxonomy Journal Article

In: Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, vol. 95, 2024.

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Matopote, Given; Joshi, Niraj Prakash

Associations between Climate Variability and Livestock Production in Botswana: A Vector Autoregression with Exogenous Variables (VARX) Analysis Journal Article

In: Atmosphere, vol. 15, no. 3, 2024, (All Open Access, Gold Open Access).

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Sharifi, Ayyoob; Candelaria, John Lee

The appeal of cities may not wane due to the COVID-19 pandemic and remote working Journal Article

In: Urban Sustainability, vol. 4, iss. 1, no. 11, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Md Abdu Bari Ghulam Dastgir Khan, Yuichiro Yoshida; Kusakabe, Tatsuya

Promoting the itemized educational spending of rural coastal households in Bangladesh through unconditional cash and food assistance Journal Article

In: Asia Pacific Education Review, pp. 1-12, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Saparova, G.; Khan, G. D.; Joshi, N. P.

Linking farmers to markets: Assessing small-scale farmers' preferences for an official phytosanitary regime in the Kyrgyz Republic Journal Article

In: Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 81, pp. 696-708, 2024, (All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Calvo, M. S.; Lee, H. S.

Enhanced complete ensemble EMD with superior noise handling capabilities: A robust signal decomposition method for power systems analysis Journal Article

In: Engineering Reports, vol. n/a, iss. n/a, pp. e12862, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Satriawan, T. W.; Luo, X.; Tian, J.; Ichii, K.; Juneng, L.; Kondo, M.

Strong Green-Up of Tropical Asia During the 2015/16 El Niño Journal Article

In: Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 51, no. 8, 2024.

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Alikulov, K.; Aminov, Z.; Anh, L. H.; Xuan, T. D.; Kim, W.

Comparative Technical and Economic Analyses of Hydrogen-Based Steel and Power Sectors Journal Article

In: Energies, vol. 17, iss. 5, no. 5, 2024.

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Atabekov, M.; Bilotkach, V.; Kawata, K.; Khan, G. D.; Miyoshi, C.; Sakamoto, M.; Yoshida, Y.

Double-edged impacts of carbon footprint information on international air travel demand Journal Article

In: Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 117, 2024.

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Bari, Md Abdul; Khuram, Mohammad Ajmal; Khan, Ghulam Dastgir; Yoshida, Yuichiro

Slum dynamics: the interplay of remittances, waste disposal and health outcomes Journal Article

In: Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy, vol. 12, no. 1, 2024.

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Kakujo, Ryusei; Chikaraishi, Makoto; Fujiwara, Akimasa

Effects of autonomous driving on residential location choice behavior: A travel-based multitasking perspective Journal Article

In: Travel Behaviour and Society, vol. 36, 2024.

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Tanaka, D; Maruyama, F

Editorial for Special Issue: “Airborne Microbes and Their Potential Influence” Journal Article

In: Microorganisms, vol. 12, iss. 2, 2024.

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Johannes, L. P.; Xuan, T. D.

Comparative Analysis of Acidic and Alkaline Pretreatment Techniques for Bioethanol Production from Perennial Grasses Journal Article

In: Energies, vol. 17, iss. 5, no. 5, 2024.

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Kanatani, Jun-Ichi; Fujiyoshi, So; Isobe, Junko; Kimata, Keiko; Watahiki, Masanori; Maenishi, Emi; Izumiyama, Shinji; Amemura-Maekawa, Junko; Maruyama, Fumito; Oishi, Kazunori

Correlation between bacterial microbiome and Legionella species in water from public bath facilities by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing Journal Article

In: Microbiology Spectrum, vol. 12, no. 4, 2024, (All Open Access, Gold Open Access).

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Bari, M D A; Khan, G D; Khuram, M A; Islam, M J; Yoshida, Y

Financial inclusion and expenditure patterns: Insights from slum households in Bangladesh Journal Article

In: Cogent Economics and Finance, vol. 12, iss. 1, 2024.

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Pickett, S. T. A.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Andersson, E.; Barau, A. S.; Childers, D. L.; Hoover, F. -A.; Lugo, A. E.; McPhearson, T.; Nagendra, H.; Schepers, S.; Sharifi, A.

Shifting forward: Urban ecology in perspective Journal Article

In: Ambio, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 890-897, 2024.

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Frantzeskaki, N.; Childers, D. L.; Pickett, S.; Hoover, F. -A.; Anderson, P.; Barau, A.; Ginsberg, J.; Grove, M.; Lodder, M.; Lugo, A. E.; McPhearson, T.; Muñoz-Erickson, T. A.; Quartier, M.; Schepers, S.; Sharifi, A.; Sijpe, K.

A transformative shift in urban ecology toward a more active and relevant future for the field and for cities Journal Article

In: Ambio, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 871-889, 2024.

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Simangan, D; Katayanagi, M; Does, L

Introduction to the Special Issue: Hiroshima +75: building peace in Japan and beyond Journal Article

In: War and Society, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 1-6, 2024.

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Pickett, S. T. A.; Simone, A. T.; Anderson, P.; Sharifi, A.; Barau, A.; Hoover, F. -A.; Childers, D. L.; McPhearson, T.; Muñoz-Erickson, T. A.; Pacteau, C.; Grove, M.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Nagendra, H.; Ginsberg, J.

The relational shift in urban ecology: From place and structures to multiple modes of coproduction for positive urban futures Journal Article

In: Ambio, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 845-870, 2024.

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Nazir, L.; Sharifi, A.

An analysis of barriers to the implementation of smart grid technology in Pakistan Journal Article

In: Renewable Energy, vol. 220, 2024.

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Jin, Y.; Sharifi, A.; Li, Z.; Chen, S.; Zeng, S.; Zhao, S.

Carbon emission prediction models: A review Journal Article

In: Science of the Total Environment, vol. 927, 2024.

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Shigenobu, Y; Miyamori, D; Ikeda, K; Yoshida, S; Kikuchi, Y; Kanno, K; Kashima, S; Ito, M

Assessing the Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Gastric Cancer Mortality Risk Journal Article

In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 13, iss. 3, 2024.

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Haque, M. Nazmul; Sharifi, A.

Justice in access to urban ecosystem services: A critical review of the literature Journal Article

In: Ecosystem Services, vol. 67, 2024.

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Simangan, D; Katayanagi, M; Does, L

Introduction to the Special Issue: Hiroshima +75: building peace in Japan and beyond Journal Article

In: War and Society, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 1-6, 2024.

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Filho, W. Leal; Wall, T.; Salvia, A. L.; Vasconcelos, C. R.; Abubakar, I. R.; Minhas, A.; Mifsud, M.; Kozlova, V.; Lovren, V. O.; Azadi, H.; Sharifi, A.; Kovaleva, M.; LeVasseur, T.; Luetz, J.; Velazquez, L.; Singh, P.; Pretorius, R.; Akib, N. A. M.; Savelyeva, T.; Brandli, L.; Muthu, N.; Lombardi, P.

The impacts of the COVID-19 lockdowns on the work of academic staff at higher education institutions: an international assessment Journal Article

In: Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 455, 2024.

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Simangan, D

Post-growth peacebuilding Journal Article

In: Review of International Studies, 2024.

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Bafarasat, A. Ziafati; Sharifi, A.

How to Achieve a Healthy City: a Scoping Review with Ten City Examples Journal Article

In: Journal of Urban Health, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 120-140, 2024.

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Nazir, L; Sharifi, A

An analysis of barriers to the implementation of smart grid technology in Pakistan Journal Article

In: Renewable Energy, vol. 220, 2024.

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Adibhesami, M. A.; Karimi, H.; Sepehri, B.; Sharifi, A.; Nazarian, M.

Effect of urban design on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mahabad, Iran Journal Article

In: Cities and Health, 2024.

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Filho, W Leal; Wall, T; Salvia, A L; Vasconcelos, C R; Abubakar, I R; Minhas, A; Mifsud, M; Kozlova, V; Lovren, V O; Azadi, H; Sharifi, A; Kovaleva, M; LeVasseur, T; Luetz, J; Velazquez, L; Singh, P; Pretorius, R; Akib, N A M; Savelyeva, T; Brandli, L; Muthu, N; Lombardi, P

The impacts of the COVID-19 lockdowns on the work of academic staff at higher education institutions: an international assessment Journal Article

In: Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2024.

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Fuenzalida, Gonzalo; Yarimizu, Kyoko; Norambuena, Luis; Fujiyoshi, So; Perera, Ishara Uhanie; Rilling, Joaquin-Ignacio; Campos, Marco; Ruiz-Gil, Tay; Vilugrón, Jonnathan; Sandoval-Sanhueza, Alondra; Ortiz, Mario; Espinoza-González, Oscar; Guzmán, Leonardo; Acuña, Jacqueline J.; Jorquera, Milko A.; Maruyama, Fumito

Environmental evaluation of the Reloncaví estuary in southern Chile based on lipophilic shellfish toxins as related to harmful algal blooms Journal Article

In: Science of the Total Environment, vol. 928, 2024, (All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Bafarasat, A Ziafati; Sharifi, A

How to Achieve a Healthy City: a Scoping Review with Ten City Examples Journal Article

In: Journal of Urban Health, vol. 101, iss. 1, pp. 120-140, 2024.

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Noudeng, V.; Pheakdey, D. V.; Xuan, T. D.

Toxic heavy metals in a landfill environment (Vientiane, Laos): Fish species and associated health risk assessment Journal Article

In: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, vol. 108, 2024.

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Rayee, R.; Anh, L. H.; Khanh, T. D.; Xuan, T. D.

Potential Momilactones in Rice Stress Tolerance and Health Advantages Journal Article

In: Agronomy, vol. 14, no. 3, 2024.

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Nguyen, H M; Goto, D

Unmasking academic cheating behavior in the artificial intelligence era: Evidence from Vietnamese undergraduates Journal Article

In: Education and Information Technologies, 2024.

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Nehela, Y.; Mazrou, Y. S. A.; El_Gammal, N. A.; Atallah, O.; Xuan, T. D.; Elzaawely, A. A.; El-Zahaby, H. M.; Abdelrhim, A. S.; Behiry, S. I.; Hafez, E. M.; Makhlouf, A. H.; Hussain, W. A. M.

Non-proteinogenic amino acids mitigate oxidative stress and enhance the resistance of common bean plants against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 15, 2024.

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Hotak, N; Kaneko, S; Simangan, D

The effect of information strategies on support for a peace agreement: An experimental study on the private sector in Afghanistan Journal Article

In: Journal of International Development, vol. 36, iss. 1, pp. 288-315, 2024.

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Chisale, S. W.; Lee, H. S.

Comprehensive onshore wind energy assessment in Malawi based on the WRF downscaling with ERA5 reanalysis data, optimal site selection, and energy production Journal Article

In: Energy Conversion and Management: X, vol. 22, 2024.

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Hasan, M.; Anh, L. H.; Xuan, T. D.

Momilactones and Phenolics in Brown Rice: Enrichment, Optimized Extraction, and Potential for Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Activities Journal Article

In: Separations, vol. 11, iss. 1, no. 1, 2024.

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Putra, I. D. G. A.; Nimiya, H.; Sopaheluwakan, A.; Kubota, T.; Lee, H. S.; Pradana, R. P.; Alfata, M. N. F.; Perdana, R. B.; Permana, D. S.; Riama, N. F.; Karnawati, D.

Development of typical meteorological years based on quality control of datasets in Indonesia Journal Article

In: Renewable Energy, vol. 221, 2024.

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Pham, P. L.; Le, T. T. C.; Vu, T. T. H.; Nguyen, T. T.; Zhang, Z. -S.; Zeng, R. -Z.; Xie, L.; Nguyen, M. N.; Trang, V. T. H.; Xuan, T. D.; Khanh, T. Dang

Comparative Transcriptome Analysis and Expression of Genes Associated with Polysaccharide Biosynthesis in Dendrobium officinale Diploid and Tetraploid Plants Journal Article

In: Agronomy, vol. 14, iss. 1, no. 1, 2024.

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Bhanage, V.; Lee, H. S.; Cabrera, J. S.; Kubota, T.; Pradana, R. P.; Fajary, F. R.; Nimiya, H.

Identification of optimal CMIP6 GCMs for future typical meteorological year in major cities of Indonesia using multi-criteria decision analysis Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Environmental Science, vol. 12, 2024.

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Saparova, G; Khan, G D; Joshi, N P

Linking farmers to markets: Assessing small-scale farmers' preferences for an official phytosanitary regime in the Kyrgyz Republic Journal Article

In: Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 81, pp. 696-708, 2024.

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Filho, W. L.; Trevisan, L. V.; Salvia, A. L.; Mazutti, J.; Dibbern, T.; Maya, S. R.; Bernal, E. F.; Eustachio, J. H. P. P.; Sharifi, A.; Alarcón-del-Amo, M. -D. -C.; Kushnir, I.

Prosumers and sustainable development: An international assessment in the field of renewable energy Journal Article

In: Sustainable Futures, vol. 7, 2024.

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Aljber, Morhaf; Jeong, Jae-Soon; Cabrera, Jonathan Salar; Calvo, Manuel Alejandro Soto; Chisale, Sylvester William; Williams, Zachary; Lee, Han Soo

Optimal site selection and potential power assessment for tidal power generation in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, based on high-resolution ocean modelling and multicriteria analysis Journal Article

In: Applied Energy, vol. 372, iss. 1, no. 1, pp. 177, 2024.

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Pham, Truong; Goto, Daisaku; Tran, Duc

Child online safety education: A program evaluation combining a randomized controlled trial and list experiments in Vietnam Journal Article

In: Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 156, pp. 108225, 2024.


Li, Wenhao; Seike, Miho; Fujiwara, Akimasa; Chikaraishi, Makoto

Negative emotion degree in smoke filled tunnel evacuation Journal Article

In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol. 153, 2024.

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Saparova, Gulkaiyr; Khan, Ghulam Dastgir; Joshi, Niraj Prakash

Linking farmers to markets: Assessing small-scale farmers' preferences for an official phytosanitary regime in the Kyrgyz Republic Journal Article

In: Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 81, pp. 696–708, 2024.


301 entries « 1 of 7 »