【Online Conference】Japan Education Forum for Sustainable Development Goals, 18th JEF for SDGs

Japan Education Forum for Sustainable Development Goals, 18th JEF for SDGs

Background and Objectives 

The Covid-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and conflicts in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Myanmar, as well as in other countries have threatened people’s lives and made it difficult to achieve quality education, and the value of education for peace has heightened more than ever before. Ensuring that all people receive quality education and acquire meaningful learning outcomes is an urgent issue that the international society must tackle. However, as indicated by the term “Learning Poverty, ” there are many issues related to learning loss, where, for example, 70% of children in the Global South cannot acquire minimum literacy by the age of 10. Learning poverty for vulnerable groups has been particularly exacerbated under the Covid-19 pandemic, because necessary support for ICT in education has not reached them; learning gaps between the haves and have-nots have rapidly widened.

The year of 2023 marks the SDG mid-term year, and the JEF for SDGs will provide a space to discuss such urgent issues under the theme of “Quality of Education and Learning Outcomes for Vulnerable Populations”. The Forum will consider possible approaches to tackle these problems in Japan and beyond with youth, practitioners, academics, and policy officials.


Theme: “Quality of Education and Learning Outcomes of Vulnerable Children in Times of Polycrisis”

Date: Tuesday, July 4, 2023, 16:30-19:35 (Japan Standard Time)

Form: Online Conference (Zoom)

Organized by: Hiroshima University, University of Tsukuba

Supported by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

*We provide English-Japanese interpretation.


16:15-          Registration

16:30-16:40     Opening Session and kick off speech

16:40-17:50        Panel Session①(Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Potential Approaches for the Post-COVID Era)
        Moderator|Mr. Antoninis Manos(UNESCO Director of GEM Report )
        Mr. John Arnold (Deputy Director for Programme and Development of SEAMEO)
        Mr. Norihiro Nishikata(JICA Senior Advisor )
        Mr. Satoshi Yamawaki  (CEO CASTALIA Co., Ltd)
        Ms. Marina Takahashi (GPE Youth Leaders)

17:50-18:00        Break

18:00-19:10    Panel Session②(Education for Those in Vulnerable Situations )
       Moderator|Dr. Naonori Kusakabe (Rikkyo University)
       Dr.Loise Gichuhi   (University of Nairobi)
       Mr. Qais Al Shyiab (Ministry of Education Jordan) 
       Mr. Kakeru Kikuchi (Save the Children Japan, Youth Advisory Board)      

19:10-19:25     Discussions, Questions and Answers

19:25-19:30  Closing


Registration Form

Please fill out the form for the registration. Deadline: June 30, Fri.

If you cannot access the site, please send your name, affiliation, email address, to the secretariat by e-mail.

For further information please contact:

Japan Education Forum Secretariat

Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education (CICE)

Hiroshima University 1-5-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8529 JAPAN

TEL:+81-82-424-6959 E-mail: japaneducationforum* hiroshima-u.ac.jp (please replace * to @)

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