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The IDEC Institute Young Researchers Research Grant FY2024 Awarded to Young Researchers
The IDEC Institute is pleased to announce the recipients of the "The IDEC Institute Young Researchers Research Grant, FY2024". This initiative is promoting international, interdisciplinary, and practical research plans suitable for the m... -
The new IDEC Institute Brochure 2024 is here!
The IDEC Institute brochure has been updated.Click the image below to access a copy of our latest brochure. -
Honorary Professor Nakagoshi Nobukazu of IDEC Honored with River Achievement Award
Honorary Professor Nakagoshi Nobukazu, formerly of IDEC at Hiroshima University, has been selected for the River Achievement Award. This accolade is granted by the Japan River Association, a public interest incorporated association, whic... -
「そ~だったのかンパニー 画期的!過疎地域の乗合タクシーサービス」
IDEC修了生の森山昌幸(バイタルリード社長、2004年3月博士修了)さんが以下のTV番組に出演しました。 ( テレビ新広島、2月25日(日)放送分 今回は、島根県出雲市の地域交通の問題を解決するカンパニー「バイタルリ... -
[2024/3/2 Fri., Free Event] The 2nd Planetary Health Symposium will be held !
Our daily lives are deeply connected to the health of people around the world. In these interconnected relationships, human health cannot exist without the health of the planet we live on. We invite Dr. Takeshi Yoro, an anatomist and ins... -
[JICA Training Report] Capacity Development for the education policy formulation and analysis for learning improvement (JFY2023)
Period: September 28th, 2023 - October 31st, 2023 Place: Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima and JICA, Tokyo JICA training for FY2023 was held, which was our first face-to-face training since COVID2019. A total of 16 trainees came to... -
[Awards and Nomination] Prof Akimasa Fujiwara from PHIS center
Prof Fujiwara from PHIS center has been awarded as follows. JCOMM management award at the 18th Japanese Conference on Mobility Management (JCOMM) JCOMM: 日本モビリティ・マネジメント会議 - jcomm ページ! JCOMM management awards: 令和5年度... -
Professor Kashima’s research at PHIS was introduced on Hiroshima University’s website: 【Blurring the line between planetary and human health spans】
By Hiroshima University Department of Public Relations What does healthy aging look like? For answers, Hiroshima University environmental health expert Dr. Saori Kashima taps into a new science dedicated to Earth’s longevity. Dr. Sa... -
[75/G7] G7広島サミットに向けたプラネタリーヘルス大学間パネルを開催しました
広島大学は、G7広島サミット(2023年5月19–21日, 広島市開催)に向けて、日本でプラネタリーヘルスを牽引している5大学とともにプラネタリーヘルス大学間パネルを開催いたしました。シンポジウムでは、2021年10月に出された「プラネタリーヘルスに関... -
[75/G7] The University Panel Symposium on Planetary Health for the G7 Hiroshima Summit was held.
In response to the G7 Hiroshima Summit (May 19-21 2023), Hiroshima University, together with five leading planetary health universities in Japan, hosted the University Panel Symposium on Planetary Health. At the symposium, following the ... -
The University Panel Symposium on Planetary Health for the G7 Hiroshima Summit
IDEC seminar #15 / PHIS seminar #8 The University Panel Symposium on Planetary Health for the G7 Hiroshima SummitG7広島サミットに向けたプラネタリーヘルス大学間パネル Planetary Health for a Sustainable Global Environment持続可能な地球環境... -
[The IDEC Institute Seminar Series #14] PHIS Seminar #6
【顕微鏡でどこまで”視”える?ラマン顕微鏡による微生物の非破壊分子生体情報解析】 菅野菜々子所属: 関西学院大学理学部化学科 分子分光イメージング研究室研究特別任期制助教 概要 革新的な科学技術(イノベーションサイエンス)は常に我々の生活に影響...