Date: Aug/17th/2022 17:00-18:30
Place: Hiroshima Universtity, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Build, 6F Seminor room
Title: Towards a new vision of the relevance of the air we breath for human health
Name: ICREA Research. Prof. Xavier Rodó, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Climate & Health Program, Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLOBAL).
I will present ISGlobal, a cutting-edge institution with 439 members from 34 different countries and a vision to address global public health challenges through world-class research ranging from the molecular to the population level. ISGlobal draws on the health and life sciences, as well as environmental, social, economic and climate sciences reaching translation and education. The second part of the seminar will center on the interplay between climate and health, where I attempt to uncover how climate impacts a wide range of climate-driven diseases. I am interested in the development of new statistical techniques and on improving computational models with different levels of complexity, to disentangle the interplay between intrinsic (e.g. immunity, demography, malnutrition) and extrinsic factors (e.g. climate, environment). For instance, the modeling of climate-driven infectious diseases (from waterborne, to foodborne, vectorborne and airborne diseases such as flu, MERS-CoV and COVID-19). An emerging area of my research entails understanding the interaction between climate, pollution and the aerial microbiome for their effects on human Health through massive data analysis.
Fumito Maruyama, PHIS, The IDEC Institute
Tel & Fax: +81 82 424 7048