Date: 2022/7/12 13:00-14:00
Place: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Build, 6F Seminar room
“Design of healthy buildings as a symbiosis of traditional design morphology with advanced approaches“
Name: Assist. Prof. Mateja DOVJAK, Ph.D.
Affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia.
The IDEC institute, Hiroshima University
Vernacular buildings are defined as buildings that are designed based on local needs, availability of construction materials, and reflected local traditions. Principles of vernacular buildings are incorporated into the bioclimatic design, representing a holistic process. The first part of our lecture focuses on the vernacular buildings in Slovenia. Opposite to bioclimatic approaches, present-day extensive building renovations and constructions in Slovenia are often going in the wrong direction towards narrow-minded measures in the frame of thermally well insulated, air-tightening building envelopes and highly efficient mechanical systems. This non-holistic approach minimizes building energy use and might result in uncomfortable and unhealthy conditions, and other adverse health-related outcomes. In the second part, the lecture systematically addresses the problem of inadequate indoor environmental quality and synthesizes new insights and research results in the direction of its improvement. Developing the innovative user-centred cyber-physical system creates healthy and stimulative indoor conditions. The system presents a bridge between old traditions and advanced technologies.
Contact:So Fujiyoshi
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