Date: 2022/10/4 14:00-17:00
Place: Hiroshima U, Grad Sch of Adv Sci of Matter Build. 6F Seminar Room
“Development of harmful algal bloom monitoring methods and forecast system for sustainable aquaculture and Coastal Fisheries in Chile”
Moderator: Shoko Ueki (Assoc. Prof. Okayama University)
14:00 – 14:10 Welcome Note: Dr Saori Kashima, PHIS Director, Hiroshima University
14:10 – 15:35 Dr. Leonardo Guzmán (Head of Aquaculture Research Division, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero)
Title: Alexandrium catenella and Paralytic Shellfish Toxin for the past 50 years in Chile
14:35 – 15:00 Dr. Oscar Espinoza (Head of the Harmful Algae Study Center, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero)
Title: Spatial-temporal variability of microphytoplankton assemblages and harmful microalgae in coastal waters of central-southern Chile (36° – 44°S)
15:00 – 15:25 Dr. Milko Jorquera (Professor, University of La Frontera)
Title: SATREPS-MACH project as a first approach on integrating the omics in the study of HABs in Chilean coasts
15:25 – 15:50 Dr. Andrés Ávila (Professor, University of La Frontera)
Title: 16S-based metagenomic analysis of marine phytoplanktonic-associated bacterial communities in northern Chile
15:50 – 16:15 Dr. Carlos Riquelme (Professor, University of Antofagasta) and Mr. Vladimir Avalos(Researcher, University of Antofagasta)
Title: Microbes isolated from Antofagasta Bay (Atacama Desert) and interacion with Prorocentrum species
16:15 – 16:40 Dr. Gonzalo Gajardo (Professor, University of Los Lagos)
Title: HABs and sustainable goals: learning from the Chile experience
16:40 Closing remarks: Fumito Maruyama, Professor, Hiroshima University