[IDEC seminar No. 25/NERPS Webinar No. 23] Drinking Water Sustainability and Source Selection

Speaker: Dr. Katherine Alfredo (University of South Florida)

Title: Drinking Water Sustainability and Source Selection

Date: 23 Jun 2023 (Friday), 10:30-12:00 JST

Place: Hiroshima University, Mirai-Crea, 2F Large Conference Room (in-person) and Zoom (online)

Language: English

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BWc-XfzsQJqbRbzVdAn9Lw#/registration

For more details: https://nerps.org/2023/06/12/23rd-nerps-webinar/

Safe water sustainability extends beyond infrastructure. Often community members must walk to and often financially support the safe drinking water infrastructure in these locations, public health depends on community action. Too often a safe source is physically built in a community and the residents are counted as being provided with safe water.  These tallies influence the statistics of development.  Despite this potential over counting, 2 billion people still lack ‘safe’ drinking water, including 800 million people without even ‘basic’ water services. This is not for lack of investment in water development; despite decades of support for water development projects many in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) still lack access.  This talk will explore the concept of “access” in two areas of India: Eastern Maharashtra and West Bengal. 

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