[The IDEC Institute No.24, The CICE Seminar No.213] What is the Purpose of Education?(Perspective from human capital theory)

Speaker: Prof. Moses Oketch (UCL Institute of Education, University College London)

Title: What is the Purpose of Education?-Perspective from human capital theory-

Date: Monday 12 June 2023 | 17:00 – 18:30 JST

Place: CICE seminar room, IDEC Building 6th Floor, Hiroshima University

Moses Oketch is a distinguished professor of international education policy and development. His research primarily focuses on the connection between the theory of human capital and the policy implementation. His areas of research interest include the economics of education, education policy analysis and impact evaluation, with a particular emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa.
In this IDEC/CICE seminar, Prof. Oketch will introduce his research and discuss the role of education from the perspective of the theory of human capital. The presentation aims to provide recent evidence regarding the social benefits of education for individuals, households and communities. After the presentation, a question-and-answer session will be held to allow attendees to engage in discussion with professor.

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