IDEC Seminar Series– Great learning opportunities –
[IDEC seminar No. 19, International Peace & Coexistence Seminar No.12] Global Norms in Motion
Global Norms in Motion: UNSCRs 1325 & 2250 in Mindanaoʼs Conflict Zones by Dr Eliseo F. Huesca, Jr. 24 May 2023, 14:30-16:00 JST (IDEC Large Conference Room) -
[IDEC seminar No.22, PHIS seminar No.12] Diversity and taxonomy of marine bacteria
Speaker: ブラジルからの研究者 Dr. Livia Vidal (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Title: Diversity and taxonomy of marine bacteria Date: 18 May 2023, 11:00 JST Place: Hiroshima University, Graduate School ofAdvanced Sciences of Matt... -
[IDEC seminar No.21, PHIS seminar No.11] Japan-Chile International Bioaerosol Seminar
日本ーチリ 国際バイオエアロゾルセミナー Date:16 May 2023 9:00-17:00 (local time in Chile) In-person only -
[IDEC seminar No.20, PHIS seminar No.10] Japan-Chile: Possibility of research and technical cooperation with Japan
日本ーチリ 日本との研究・技術協力の可能性 Date:15 May 13:00-18:00 (local time in Chile)(hybrid: in-person + online) Link: Clave: 010480 Program -
[The 18th Special seminar on The IDEC Institute/ the 9th PHIS Seminar]
The 18th Special seminar on The IDEC Institute and the 9th PHIS Seminar Date: Apr 28th, 2023 14:00- Place: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Build, 6F Seminar room Online: Na... -
【IDEC/CICE Seminar】 Join Now – JICE Writers’ Workshop
Journal of International Cooperation in Education (JICE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that engages with unconventional approaches to educational development and knowledge generation. The Editors welcome original research artic... -
[IDEC/PHIS Seminar] Climate change/Air pollution and Health
Date: 2023/03/10(Fri) 14:00-15:30 Place: Hiroshima University, The IDEC Building, room# 204 Online: Click here to join the meeting (MS-Teams) Title: International collaboration research on climate change and human he... -
【開催日時】2023年2月24日(金) 【場所】広島大学東広島キャンパス フェニックス国際センター ミライクリエ 【言語】日本語 【プログラム】 15:00~16:45 講演会「国際協力:実務と理論」2F大会議室 17:00~18:30 懇親会 1F多目的スペース(... -
PHIS: Special seminar
Prof Xavier Rodo from ISGlobal, Spain, made a special seminar as below. Date: 16:30-18:00, 25th January 2023 Venue: MIRAI CREA 2F seminar room Speaker: Prof Xavier Rodo Talk: 1. Introduction of ISGlobal, and 2. Climate and Kawasaki Disease -
[The IDEC Institute Seminar Series #14] PHIS Seminar #6
【顕微鏡でどこまで”視”える?ラマン顕微鏡による微生物の非破壊分子生体情報解析】 菅野菜々子所属: 関西学院大学理学部化学科 分子分光イメージング研究室研究特別任期制助教 概要 革新的な科学技術(イノベーションサイエンス)は常に我々の生活に影響... -
[The IDEC Institute Seminar Series #12] PHIS Seminar #5
【Interactions between physical parameters, chemical pollutants, and microbes in the built environment】 Date: Jan 9th 2023 (Mon) 8:00 (GMT+1) / (2023/1/9(Mon), 16:00-20:00 in JST) Moderator:Dr. So Fujiyoshi Registration due:Dec. 20t... -
[The IDEC Institute Seminar Series #8] PHIS Seminar #4
Date: Dec 20, 2022 17:00-18:00 Place: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Build, 6F Seminar room Online: Title:One Health strategy to address global health concerns: Chronic Kidney Dise...