[December 2, Sat. Free Event] The Job Hunting Preparation Seminar for International Students

The Hiroshima University African Students’ Association (HUASA) is excited to announce that it will host a Job Hunting Preparation Seminar for International Students. This seminar is open to both our members and anyone interested in pursuing job opportunities in Japan.

An African student will share their internship and job-hunting experiences during the seminar. Our guest speakers will include representatives from four international companies with expertise in hiring graduates from Hiroshima University as interns and full-time employees. Following the presentations and discussions, attendees will have the opportunity to network with company representatives.

  • Date & Time: December 2, 2023, Saturday, 13:00 – 16:30
  • Venue: IDEC Large Conference Room, Hiroshima University
  • Pre-Registration Required


Facilitator: Tamele Egide Feniasse, D2, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

13:00 – Opening Remarks: Starnislus HAAMBOKOMA, Chairperson of HUASA / M2, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

13:05 – Internship Report: Lovisa Pandleni JOHANNES, D1, TAOYAKA Program / Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

13:25 – Long-term Internship Report and Experience of Job-Hunting in Japan, Mumbere Kihembo Samuel, D3, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

13:40 – Comment and Company Report: HITACHI Ltd.

14:05 – Company Report: SATAKE

14:30 – Company Report: Takeuchi Construction Inc.

14:55 – Company Report: Micron Technology Japan

15:20 – Networking

16:20 – Closing Remarks: Starnislus HAAMBOKOMA, Chairperson of HUASA / M2, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences


Hiroshima University African Students Association – HUASA


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