News & Events
The University Panel Symposium on Planetary Health for the G7 Hiroshima Summit
IDEC seminar #15 / PHIS seminar #8 The University Panel Symposium on Planetary Health for the G7 Hiroshima SummitG7広島サミットに向けたプラネタリーヘルス大学間パネル Planetary Health for a Sustainable Global Environment持続可能な地球環境... -
【IDEC/CICE Seminar】 Join Now – JICE Writers’ Workshop
Journal of International Cooperation in Education (JICE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that engages with unconventional approaches to educational development and knowledge generation. The Editors welcome original research artic... -
[IDEC/PHIS Seminar] Climate change/Air pollution and Health
Date: 2023/03/10(Fri) 14:00-15:30 Place: Hiroshima University, The IDEC Building, room# 204 Online: Click here to join the meeting (MS-Teams) Title: International collaboration research on climate change and human he... -
【開催日時】2023年2月24日(金) 【場所】広島大学東広島キャンパス フェニックス国際センター ミライクリエ 【言語】日本語 【プログラム】 15:00~16:45 講演会「国際協力:実務と理論」2F大会議室 17:00~18:30 懇親会 1F多目的スペース(... -
PHIS: Special seminar
Prof Xavier Rodo from ISGlobal, Spain, made a special seminar as below. Date: 16:30-18:00, 25th January 2023 Venue: MIRAI CREA 2F seminar room Speaker: Prof Xavier Rodo Talk: 1. Introduction of ISGlobal, and 2. Climate and Kawasaki Disease -
[The IDEC Institute Seminar Series #14] PHIS Seminar #6
【顕微鏡でどこまで”視”える?ラマン顕微鏡による微生物の非破壊分子生体情報解析】 菅野菜々子所属: 関西学院大学理学部化学科 分子分光イメージング研究室研究特別任期制助教 概要 革新的な科学技術(イノベーションサイエンス)は常に我々の生活に影響... -
[The IDEC Institute Seminar Series #12] PHIS Seminar #5
【Interactions between physical parameters, chemical pollutants, and microbes in the built environment】 Date: Jan 9th 2023 (Mon) 8:00 (GMT+1) / (2023/1/9(Mon), 16:00-20:00 in JST) Moderator:Dr. So Fujiyoshi Registration due:Dec. 20t... -
[The IDEC Institute Seminar Series #8] PHIS Seminar #4
Date: Dec 20, 2022 17:00-18:00 Place: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Build, 6F Seminar room Online: Title:One Health strategy to address global health concerns: Chronic Kidney Dise... -
[Event Report] The IDEC Institute Kick-off Symposium held on November 5, 2022
The IDEC Institute of Hiroshima University held a kick-off symposium, "Be academically productive for peace and sustainability," on November 5, with about 70 participants from Japan and abroad. This kick-off symposium commemorated the ID... -
Call for papers: NERPS 2022 Conference in Thailand
The Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS) at Hiroshima University and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will jointly host the NERPS Conference 2023 – the second edition of the Hiroshima Internationa... -
NERPS Special Lecture jointly organized with Mistra Geopolitics
Special Lecture: The geopolitics of sustainability transformations October 28, 2022 (Friday, 10:00-11:00 AM JST) 2nd Floor Large Conference Room, MIRAI CREA About the Lecture This NERPS Special Lecture addresses the geopolitical risks an... -
The 19th NERPS Webinar: Positive Peace and Environmental Sustainability
19th NERPS Webinar jointly organized with the Center of Economic Peace at the Grenoble Ecole de Management. October 18, 2022 (Tuesday 16:00-17:00 PM JST) About the Webinar This 1...