IDEC Seminar Series– Great learning opportunities –
Canceled [IDEC Seminar No.63/PHIS Seminar No.31] Unveiling the invisible by exploring the microbial diversity of the atmosphere
-This seminar was canceled.- Speaker: Dr. rer.nat. Sofya Pozdniakova Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher, AIRLAB, IS Global, Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Spain Date/Time: August 19th, 2024 16:00- Place: Graduate School of Adva... -
[IDEC seminar No.61/PHIS seminar No.30] Special seminar on The IDEC Institute
Date/Time: August 9th, 2024 16:00- Place: Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Build, 6F Seminar room Online: 1)Speaker: Dr. Kasthuri Venkateswaran, Senior Scientist, NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory (retire... -
[IDEC seminar No.62/CICE seminar No.219] A Framework for the Education Global Practice at the World Bank
Speaker: Dr. Scherezad Joya Monami Latif Affiliation: Lead Education Specialist, World Bank World Bank Group’s Education Global Practice Date/Time: July 4th 2024, 17:00-18:00 Venue: CICE seminar room, IDEC Building 6th Floor Title: A Fra... -
[IDEC seminar No.60/CEPEAS seminar No.1] Emotional Bridges to Lasting Everyday Peace
Speaker: Dr. Michael Magcamit, Lecturer, The University of Manchester Speaker: Yohan Kim, PhD student, The University of Leicester Date/Time: July 8th, 2024 16:30-18:00 JST Place: Large Conference Room, IDEC building 1F Sub title: Pionee... -
[IDEC seminar No.58/NERPS Webinar No.32] Impact of Climate Change on Hydroclimatic and other Climatic Risks and Vulnerability: Strategies for Resource Constrained Smart City of India
Speaker: Dr. Shailendra K. Mandal Affiliation: Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Technology Patna, India Date/Time: June 26th, 2024, 16:00-17:00 Title: Impact of Climate Change on Hydrocl... -
[IDEC seminar No.59/PHIS seminar No.29] From grey to green: introduction of green building systems for solving environmental problems in urban environments
Speaker: Dr. Mateja Dovjak Affiliation: Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Date/Time: July 4th, 2024 17:00- Place: Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Building, 6F... -
[IDEC seminar No.57/Joint event with SmaSo] Publishing High-Impact Research and Developing a Global Career
Speaker: Dr. Eusebio Scornavacca Affiliation: Director and Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, College of Global Futures, Arizona State University, U. S. A. Date/Time: June 25th, 2024 18:00-19:00 Place: MIRAI CREA ... -
[IDEC seminar No.56/PHIS seminar No.28] International seminar of Seto Inland Sea Carbon-neutral Research Center-A joint seminar across five graduate schools-
Speaker: Professor Carlos RIQUELME Affiliation: Director, Center of Bioinnovation Antofagasta (CBIA), University of Antofagasta, CHILE Date/Time: June 28th, 2024, 15:00-15:45Place: Advanced Sciences of Matter Research building, 302S Conf... -
[IDEC seminar No.55/PHIS seminar No.27] Envisioning the Future of Mycobacterium Research: A Glocal Perspective
Speaker: Dr. Eric Rubin Affiliation: Professor, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Date/Time: June 23rd, 2024, 14:00-17:00 Place: 462-3 Kiyotake, Toyosaka, Higashi-Hiroshima Title: Envisioning the Future of Mycobacterium Research... -
[IDEC seminar No.54/CICE seminar NO.218] CICE Writers’ Workshop
Writers' Workshop for the Journal of International Cooperation in Education Date & Time: June 4, 2024 5:00PM-8:00PM (GMT+9) / June 11, 2024 9:00AM-12:00PM Participation: Online Only We, CICE, are holding a Writers' Workshop for resea... -
[IDEC seminar No.53/CICE seminar No.217] The Deobandi Tradition in Bangladesh: Qaumi Madrasa Education & Political Rise of their Custodians
Speaker: Dr. Humayun Kabir, Visiting Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Assistant Teaching Professor (Anthropology), Department of Environment, Culture & Society, Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia, Canada Dat... -
[IDEC seminar No.52]Chile-Japan International Bioaerosol Seminar Ⅱ
Speaker:・Dra. Jacquelinne Acuña, Universidad de la Frontera(Chile) ・Daniel Acevedo, ThermoFisher Specialist (Chile) ・Professor Dr. Yoko Iwamoto, Hiroshima University (Japan) ・Assistant professor, Dr. So Fujiyoshi...