[Project] Sustainable Peace and Peaceful Sustainability in Conflict-Affected Societies: the Relationship between Positive Peace and Environmental Performance

Principal Researcher: Dahlia SIMANGANCEPEAS

Project Period: October 2021 – March 2023

Overview of the project: 

This project aims to advance the integration of positive peace and environmental sustainability in order to maximize the impact of their policies and initiatives in societies vulnerable to conflict and environmental risks. While existing research underscores the importance of climate-sensitive approaches to peacebuilding, the focus has been on violent conflict and environmental degradation. The relationship between the positive dimension of peace and more local manifestations of environmental sustainability, however, remains grossly under-examined. This project, therefore, examines the relationship between positive peace and sustainability by analyzing panel data of existing national-level indicators drawn from the Institute for Economics & Peace’s Positive Peace Index and Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index. To complement the quantitative data, this project also conducted case studies of Nepal and Afghanistan, two countries that have ranked low in both indices in recent years. In these countries, a lack of environmental sustainability is observable in increased water scarcity and floods, which exacerbate social, economic, and political issues, contributing to community-level conflict and regional tensions. Integrating the components of positive peace and environmental sustainability using a mixed-methods, interdisciplinary research design enables a holistic approach to peace and sustainability.

Figure 1. A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Positive Peace and Environmental Sustainability

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